I look forward all week to SciFi Friday, more than ever these days, and this week's batch of shows did not disappoint. I am enjoying SG-1 so much, SGA makes me insanely happy for so many reasons (though many of them are named Shep), and BSG -- damn, I'm just along for the ride even if I have to hang on to the side-rails for dear life every week.
random unhelpful thoughts on SG-1 )
What I really like about what they have done with Helo is that, while he picked "trust Sharon (somewhat)" over "shoot her, shoot her now!" on Caprica, he is never at ease with that decision. I think a less challenging show could have made him just support her unreasoningly after that. But in every scene where it is clear he loves Sharon, it is also clear that he never forgets how fundamentally at odds that is to everything else. And this makes Lee's question this week of whether Helo's also a Cylon seem not only spectacularly petty but also very, very simplistic (not that I fault Lee, because what else could he be expected to say? but it just underscores how much more complex Helo's situation is).
Tied to this is how fascinating it is that Helo doesn't seem to be saying, "Sharon is a Cylon, but I love her anyway." He has two thoughts that are incompatible in the BSG universe -- "Sharon is a Cylon" and "I love Sharon" -- and he lets them both coexist in his head. This obviously causes him distress, but I think he is coming to realize that they aren't really incompatible thoughts, but "merely" ones that challenge everything he believes in and that are thus difficult and uncomfortable for him to deal with.
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