May 08, 2010 01:01
Okay London was amazing!!!! It was genuinley a few of the best days of my life! On the Monday night we went to see Love Never Dies (the sequal to phantom of the opera) and it was my first ever west end experience. It was so good I can't even form words to describe it! Sierra Boggess(Christine) was amazing! Her voice is great live, & you can tell not much was done to it in the recording studio! Unfortunately we didn't get Ramin Karimloo(The Phantom) instead we got his understudy Tam Mutu. He was so good that at the break we were talking and trying to decide whether or not it actually was Ramin! His voice was so powerfull and him singing 'Till I Hear You Sing' & his duet with Charlie Manton (Gustave) 'The Beauty Underneath' left me lost for words. For a 13 year old boy Charlie has an amazing voice. He is one of the cutest people ever. The rest of the cast were all amazing as well. Summer Strallen (Meg) and Joseph Millson (Raoul) were both hilarious in their roles even though they were supposed to be the 'bad guys' of the show. After it though we were such stalkers and went round to the stage door to wait on Sierra. We managed to get our picture with her and it was a great experience. Next to her American accent we all sounded so rough (I'm Scottish) but it was amazing.
On Tuesday we walked about covent Gardens, and done most of the touristy things and then my friend Natalie's parents (who were looking after us) surprised us with tickets to see We Will Rock You. It was a great show and an amzing surprise. The whole trip was a great experience. Oh on Tuesday Natalie's dad took us over the milennium bridge purely cause i had asked where it was cause it got destroyed by the dementors in the latest Harry Potter film. We nicknamed him The Man of Steel (no reference to superman) because he always powered ahead of us all and lead the way wherever we were goin & always seemed to just be hangin there all cool if we stopped for anything. He's cool enough to be a spy. In fact, when Natalie was really young her friends thought he was James Bond before they realised he was a fictional character. Still he could be a spy. When we met Sierra, he was just standin across the road leanin on the wall of a pub and still managed to look cool & casual. Haha! Natalie's mum was renamed Wee Mo. Haha! She seemed to be in the background of almost every picture we took, and always managed to sneak her way into our videos. 8D Both are awesome though! :)
Anyway I have to go now cause I am so tired. I havn't managed to catch up on sleep since then, and so I'm really looking forward to my bed. I got up at 6:45 on Monday (to travel), 8:22 on Tuesday, 9:11 on Wednesday (to travel) and then 8:30 on Thursday (for work) and 7:40 today....well yesterday now (for school). It's ridivulous how tired I am! So my expectations for this weekend are to sleep, do a bit of homework, sleep....and sleep some more, ready for school on Monday. Busy busy days.
So to all reading this - Goodbye & Goodnight Xxx
we will rock you,
wee mo,
love never dies,
man of steel,
sierra boggess,
sleep deprivation