Jan 25, 2007 16:37
I've worked at my present job, sitting in the same office, for almost four years. I sit next to a west-facing window with a spectacular view of Marina Del Rey, which is cool. But I've only ever really enjoyed it on very cloudy days, or after sunset; during the day it's nearly always so bright that I have to keep the blinds closed, and usually supplement that with a big black cardboard rectangle I prop behind the blinds to cut out more light.
Or that was the case until today, when the building manager put a dark mylar coating on the window. Now I can leave the blinds up in the morning, and rely on the blinds alone in the afternoon, when the window is in direct sunlight.
Four years of annoyance, and it took an hour to fix it. I probably could have asked for this at any point during those four years.
Some days I just don't feel like I qualify as a sentient creature.