One step closer prompt

Sep 12, 2013 18:55


”Just,” Provenza looked preoccupied, ”one step closer.”

Tao joined him, scooting his chair over and watching the computer screen with Provenza, “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to make them move.”

“Huh,” Tao looked questioningly at the screen, the view of interview room one and Flynn standing next to the Captain on it.

“I’m trying to make them move,” Provenza repeated as if it was enough of an explanation, eyes glued to the screen.

“Telepathically?” Tao wondered, noticing Flynn and the Captain stood awfully close, both looking at a folder in the Captain’s hands.

Provenza looked up, “What - no.”

“Then what on earth are -”

Provenza interrupted him, a finger to his lips, “Shh, shh - look,” he pointed at the screen. Flynn had moved closer to the Captain, his head leaning further towards her; they were standing shoulder to shoulder now.

“One step closer,” Provenza chanted again, each word drawn out.

Tao rolled his eyes but continued to watch; there was definitely something going on.

“What are you watching?” Buzz asked them, coming up and giving the computer screen a curious look.

“We’re trying to manipulate two people into standing closer - by way of thought,” Tao answered, his voice amused.

“Wha?” Buzz sneaked in between them, eyes even more focused on the screen now. “Oh,” Buzz said, apparently understanding whatever little stunt Provenza had going.

They watched Flynn mumble something, the Captain smiling; the two looked up at each other, practically able to touch each other’s lips if they were to move just a slight towards each other.

“Where’s the sound?” Buzz asked sounding intrigued.

“Shh,” Provenza said again, then answered Buzz, “I think someone’s snapped a cable - it’s not working.”

Tao tilted his head, watching his two colleagues in the interview room continue to gaze at each other; there was no other word for it. They were gazing at each other and sharing silly, goofy smiles.

“Are we taking bets?” Julio asked out of nowhere, suddenly standing behind them with a cheeky smile on his face.

Tao shook his head, “Not yet.”

“Twenty on a kiss,” Provenza loudly declared.

“Really,” Buzz sounded outraged, “That’s ridiculous - they’re not going to kiss,” Buzz pointed at the screen, “see the way the Captain’s holding the folder to her chest and the way lieutenant Flynn’s putting his hands in his pockets - they’re weeks from kissing.”

Provenza looked up, annoyed, “Who made you the kissing-expert?”

“It’s all in the body language, lieutenant” Buzz said, a little huff.

“I betcha they’ve already made out,” Julio sniggered.

“Pheee,” Provenza waved a hand and looked at the screen again, “I was here first and I’m older than the lot of you combined, I’m pretty sure I know what’s going on with these two,” he paused for dramatic effect, “they’re going to kiss.”

“Twenty on nothing happening,” Buzz said, crossing his arms.

“Deal,” Provenza grinned wide.

“With tongue?” Julio asked, eyes alight with humor.

“Dear god, Julio - what is wrong with you?” Provenza fixed a glare on Julio but it was ruined when he quickly looked back at the screen, trying to hide a smile.

Julio merely smiled, leaned in, “I’m betting there will be hands involved as well. Flynn won’t be able to resist groping her.”

Tao laughed.

“C’mon, c’mon,” Provenza chanted, “just a tiny little step closer,” the two figures on the screen moved closer, “yeah, yeah, that’s it - now closer still,” Flynn touched the Captain’s shoulder, apparently removing invisible lint, he leaned in closer - and she looked up at him.

Tao watched with the others, bated breath and two fingers crossed behind his back.

Their heads moved closer, deviating towards each other - Flynn’s hand moved from her shoulder up along her throat, going behind her head.

“This is it,” Provenza declared gleeful.

Flynn tilted her head, his lips approaching the Captain’s. It was a matter of inches now, Tao calculated.

The door into the interview room banged open, sound suddenly blaring over the system and Rusty appearing none the wiser, “There you are,
Sharon - I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

The moment was gone.

Tao sighed along with the rest, watching Provenza pouting, Julio shaking his head and Buzz smiling with glee, rubbing his hands together.

“So close,” Provenza sighed.

 Hehe =)

fic, prompt: one step closer, idiots

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