Been feeling lethargic and lazy lately - I think it's the fact that I saw a thermometer at 103 yesterday - and also saw another later that evening around 67. I love it when rain drops the temperature. And removes some of the humidity. I'm opretty much taking cold showers at night so I can sleep. Forget hot water, pretty much.
Obiwan larp tonight. Met with fuzzies with fleas. Dunraven now Prince, me seneschal.Whee! I didn't want the target - not to mention I'm still pretty recent with my probation being lifted. Cool people from Ohio showed up - I wonder what the one's Sire was thinking when he embraced him :) Talked to the overseer for the area - seems interesting. He was checking out the game and how it ran, et cetera. I guess we pass within guidelines. I hope so.
Went to the library at Main earlier in the week. Met
researcher and had an interesting talk. He wasn't feeling too well (with the heat - go figure) so didn't stay too long. Ended up missing the Preston bus, since I went to Walgreens for a drink. Oh well. Waited for the next one near Denny's. I still need to read the Norse and Cherokee books. Started the Zelazney's.
Saw some interesting movies from an older friend of Nezmaster's. They were really cool, and I hope someday to see the one that won the second place award. His dvd didn't work at Atomic Saucer.
Got my Christmas card from Dad at the beginning of the week. I ended up with a smoothie maker/blender from Sears, and 2 skirts, some fishnets, bubble solution and snacks from Wal Mart. Foxwit hasn't spent his card yet - he doesn't really know what he wants from there.
Anyway, that's the update. Glamkit and Nezmaster were supposed to have a date tonight. I hope they do. They really need to spend more time together, over thing other than bills. I try to with Foxwit too. Whee!