This is my fandom journal. In it you will find recommendations for fanfiction, and also the occasional book or movie rec. You can find more fanfiction recs on my delicious page,
IsoldaM's Bookmarks. I read gen, slash and het fanfiction, so be sure to pay attention to the tags so that you can avoid anything that you object to.
gen = general, not a romance story.
het = main romantic pairing is male/female.
slash = main romantic pairing is same sex, usually male/male.
My main fandoms are: Thor (2011 Movie), The Avengers (2012 Movie), Merlin (BBC), Supernatural, Star Trek (2009 movie), X-Men (Gambit) and White Collar. You'll find recs for several other fandoms as well.
I keep a fairly up-to-date list of Big Bang communities, with master list links and posting dates, on the sticky post directly below this one.
I've also been posting recipes on this journal lately, mostly because I have no where else to put them right now. I may move them all over to a separate journal later, or maybe not. We'll see.