i hurt myself today...

May 27, 2005 10:54

What a week.
What a fucking terrible week.

i was in hospital, wayne was in hospital.
wayne is now in sydney and today he gets his back operated on.

wayne is my bartender, im no longer just sleeping with him, we're well dating.

last night i hit a car, and broke this guys taillight. hes going to ring this arvo and tell me how much i owe him.

i hate work. work sucks.

i failed my first assignment. got 0. well its only out of 5, but every bit counts. ugh.

im still a bit sick, i was up till late last night vomiting.

i have to remember to call vincents tomorrow to check on wayne.

i feel lost, abused, sick, used, and just down right depressed. must get back on the meds. AARGGH stupid bi-polar.

well please write me something nice, im lonely and need some kind words.
yes all forms of sympathy are gratefully accepted.

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