Sep 11, 2005 18:31
So, it's boiled down to this. Maybe I am weak or maybe I am not. That is not for us to know.
You want to know what I think about you? Then I shall tell you...
You are not a good person. It seems to be your goal in life to make other people feel like shit about themselves. After a long chat and some advice from a good friend of mine, I have come to the conclusion that this is because you feel so shitty about yourself that making other people feel bad makes you feel a bit better about yourself. I'm sorry things have to be that way for you.
I know that I have done some really shitty things in my life. I have done drugs. I have been a slut and a whore. I have manipulated and used people after coaxing them into friendship with lies and false words. I have done many horrible things. All of the people in my life now - all of the people who are friends to me and whom love me know all of the things that are part of my past. They also know though, that I have changed. I can never undo the damage that I have done. That, I know to be true. But I can start a new road now. I can stop making bad choices and bad decisions. Along with this, I can stop building friendships with bad people. I can stop associating with people that make me feel bad about who I am now because they use who I used to be as a weapon against me.
You are that person. I know that the most difficult truth to tell is the truths to yourself. The ones that hurt. But you need to start.
Now is your chance. Now is your chance to quit hurting other people on a road to trying to make yourself better. Now is your chance to keep the friends you do have before they, too, realize the type of person you are and then you will be left with nothing. You will be alone.
If you continue living your life how you have been living it, one day, you will wake up and you will be forty years old and you will have nothing. You will look around at the emptiness that is your life and regret. Those regrets will eat away at your very soul and you will die with only those regrets.
I know that you don't believe it but I will say it anyway. I love you. I love you more then you know. I love you more then I'd like to admit sometimes. I don't want your life to end this way.
It took a car accident for me to "see the error of my ways." A car accident that I almost didn't survive. I don't want that for you.
I will restate what I've already stated in one of my recent entries. It is important to be honest. It is important to be nice. It is important to realize that sometimes being nice is more important then being honest. It is also important (especially in this case) that sometimes being honest is more important then being nice.
I'm sorry if my words hurt you. I'm sorry if the things that I have said have struck a nerve with you or made you upset with me. I get the distinct feeling that you will bitch about this post. That you will take none of this into account because you will take it as an insult. You will think these things are said out of anger. But I assure you that these things are said with truth and out of love.
I can only hope that one day you will remember my words and heed my advice.