Asides from still having to suffer the fate of the flu, I have been having a pretty good day [and a half]. My sleep schedule, however, is in need of some serious adjustment.
The main point of my entry is the following:
I've decided that I'd really like to start writing more of my thoughts down. But then I realized how little I really think, especially about the greater philosophical issues my mind often begs me dwell upon. Thus, I'm going to try to think and write those thoughts down as they come. Fortunately, I am using a computer, meaning I can go back, erase and edit. These first few posts may be a bit sloppy; bare with me until my mind is back up to speed with what it once was a few years ago...
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Lao Tzu
For some, beginning a journey is no easy task. Embarking from the shoreline of familiarity into a universe of unknowns can be quite frightening, especially when one is aware that some of those unknowns will be difficult to overcome. But, while we cannot predict the future, we can still hope that tomorrow will be easier because of the knowledge and tools we gathered yesterday.
Despite this hope, however, people still hold in themselves the fear of putting their foot forward and taking that first step. It is surely not a fear held in vain, but that first step is the most important step a person can take towards their future. Even if it is only a single step, the significance of having taken it is awesome. With that step, one invests in one’s self a great faith that he or she is both willing and able to achieve one’s end by what means he or she may possess. That faith, when true, is not derived from a higher power (I will have my religion rant later), but rather, from the heart. It is an unwavering love that only we can give to ourselves after much thought of who we are and much searching of where we belong.
Yes, indeed, it is an arduous undertaking; we must often dissect ourselves thoroughly in search of the answers we spend our lifetimes looking for and sometimes never find. In the long run, however, the worth of being one step towards meeting a goal and towards the happiness that comes from that meeting is tantamount to very little else. Every step we take towards that meeting is further investing in ourselves a greater faith and a greater love. And when we achieve what it was that we had first set to do, we feel an even greater happiness.
Ultimately, I believe it is this happiness that one desires when one sets out for whatever his or her endeavor. The idea that happiness can, at any singular moment, be achieved is tremendous. People have a multitude of goals that overlap in time; some may take an entire span of one’s life while others are accomplished within several seconds. But happiness can be achieved at any singular moment.
So, why not begin now? Today is as good as any other day, if not better, to take a step towards your goal. One does not need for the coming of a new day or a new year to do this; every moment is a new one with which you have the ability to choose your course of action. If, in this moment, you have chosen to invest in yourself that faith and that love, then, whatever your goal, you do truly desire that happiness.
That is all.