
Mar 15, 2008 22:28

I've been in a kind of weird mood today. I have no idea why. It may be how much I miss London, which is a lot.
God, I just connected with the people there. It had been like we were friends forever. The people there understood me better than anyone that I've known for years, including my family. Maybe it was because we were only going to be ( Read more... )

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rodanside March 16 2008, 04:41:31 UTC
I feel like this post could have been generated by my keyboard and it would make perfect sense. Where did you study abroad? I went to UCL in the fall of my junior year, and while I can't say I loved the way the school did things academically (I ended up spending half my life in the medical library tracking down relevant course materials), the friendships I made there were priceless. I definitely got the same vibe you did from the people I lived with in London--I ended up boarding with several first year British students, and I realized what true, substantive friendship was seemingly for the first time. Those people knew how to kick it, but they also valued what I said and appreciated me for me. It was so refreshing, and when I came back to my American college I experienced the kind of letdown you only feel when you know you had it better before, and will probably never have it again.

If your friends make fun of you for being odd, curses on them. Odd is beautiful--it makes a person fuller, more interesting, and ultimately more worthwhile. Trends are just nature's way of making all the world's idiots do the same stupid thing, until there's a load-yourself-in-a-cannon-and-launch-yourself-into-outer-space trend and all the idiots burst into a million pieces. It totally bites that one of the hottest trends among college kids now is being a judgmental, insensitive asshole. It's so easy to be nice and open-minded, and yet so many people fail to do it. It kills me. Luckily, there are little pockets of society where I can be with quirky, awkward, strange and dorky people just like me. Vassar is one of those places, and I feel lucky to have found possibly one of the only colleges on the planet that celebrates bucking the norm. If you haven't found such a place (besides London, of course), I hope you find one soon. I've only "known" you for a few days and I already find you engaging and brilliant, and it would be lovely for you to be constantly around people who appreciate you for those things you are.


isolated_glory March 16 2008, 05:33:51 UTC
Yeah, you basically just put my exact feelings into words better than I could. So thank you for that, I was getting frustrated : )
You have no idea how good it feels to have someone, that was not in the original London group, understand what the experience was like. I studied at Richmond Uni in Kensington last semester; it was advertised as an international university, and ended up being more American than my school in New York. The whole experience still managed to be life changing and completely altered my views on American culture, and I would do anything to go back though (duh, ; p). When I'm bored I just sit at my computer and scroll through all my pictures... hoping to God for the chance to go back someday lol.
And I agree that these college trends need a serious renovation, it is definitely not the "enlightening, enriching, safe haven, best years of your life" environment that everyone told me it was. I'm glad you found a great school though, it gives me hope seeing that not all campuses are as close minded as mine! I live out in hicksville and if you're not into the drunken greek life party scene, good luck fitting in. O__o
But yes, thank you for the comment, it really did make my day so much brighter to know that I'm not alone in my pining to relive the past : )


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