Please, oh Please!!

Mar 12, 2008 00:00

So today I had one class from 11-12:30 and came back to my room to find out that I had missed a call and that there was a new voicemail waiting. No one calls me, ever, so it was a big deal.
It turns out it is one of the theaters (The MCC Theater to be exact) I applied for an internship with last week, and they want to interview me! Ah! I almost crapped my pants, not going to lie. This was probably my first choice theater out of the fifteen or so I applied to. They just put on their big "Miscast Broadway" event last night and had performances from people like Jesse L. Martin, Patrick Wilson, Leslie Kritzer, Cheyenne Jackson, Kelli O'hara, and lots of other people I am a very big fan of.
So I called them back right away and had to leave a message, and of course, due to my super duper awesome phone skills, instead of saying "Thank you for your interest," I said: "Thank you for calling me" and made myself sound like a total douche bag. I also told them I would be around for the rest of the day and they can just call me whenever, then promptly left to go run some errands, again, because I guess I really am a douche bag, (although I was in dire need of socks, so it couldn't be helped really). I ran three red lights trying to get it all done and back to my room as fast as I could in case they called when I was out (which they didn't). Instead, they called back at dinner time where I immediately (and accidentally, I swear!) hung up on them.
Clearly, my phone skills are among the best ever.
It all worked out though, they left another message saying that they would like to do a phone interview (again with the phone skills... please don't let that be what fucks me over on this!!!), this Thursday at 12.
So I will probably be a nervous wreck until then. But oh well, it'll be worth it. I am probably going to practice talking on the phone all day tomorrow (fuck going to class), and research the shizznat out of the MCC theater.
But yeah, I'm excited!!
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