Jul 25, 2010 12:50
salt: less entertaining than star trek/sherlock holmes.
also less glamorous and contemplative than inception, but it gets old school spy action stuff done sharply. and angelina did kick an unbelievable amount of azz. her character was a little too blank though. i guess since she was running for her life she didn't have much time to stop and exhibit more personality - it was go go go. also, her face is truly amazing, it is so beautiful.
inception feels novel and you can see it was a huge feat to pull off, but i think it's also a little overhyped. i also should mention there is a guy, tom hardy, who is 10x hunkier than leonardo.
i am looking forward to the deathly hallows film this fall (more snape?). and cowboys & aliens with harrison ford and daniel craig and olivia wilde next year looks potentially good! 2011 looks like it has some fun movies coming out (more holmes *cough*). though i'd rather see craig and olivia wilde (who is angelina-esque) in a new 007.