Good weekend, I must say. Except that I spent $61.60 at Safeway. We really need to stop eating so much candy and bread. Seriously.
Watched Love Actually Saturday night. God that movie is Love. Never fails to make me happy, make the world seem just a tiny bit better.
Also dyed my hair on Saturday! It's blackish-brown! And pretty. I loves it muchly. I may not be able to get a pic of it until I goto mom's for thanksgiving, so boo to that. Unless my parents decide that they love me so much that they'll get me a digital camera for my birthday. *snort* Not likely, though.
Spent all day Sunday reading Pride and Prejudice, which is an awesome book. So much love for Mr. Darcy, and though I haven't seen the BBC movie, I can't picture anyone else but Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. We plan on watching the entire 5 hours this week and having tea parties. Even bought tea cookies and shit. Will be fun.
Also help start 2 amazing, brilliant communities on Sunday:
manwars and
chickwars, as you may have seen from the pimpage post. If you haven't yet, join, friend, post and earn the eternal love of gratitude of everyone.
I'm fucking sick of all the bullshit going around the internet in relation to Katrina. Seriously. Cyn has been finding some very, very disturbing discussions going on, saying things that I refuse to put in my journal, simply because it fucking pisses me off. Instead, you'll get responses, because again, I wont put that bullshit in here.
Emily: these people who are determined to see the worst in everyone, the president especially, just fucking piss me off.
Cyn: it makes them NO better than the people they say are horrible
Cyn: in some cases worse @ the hate they're spreading
Emily: exactly!
Emily: I'll be honest, I haven't been following any of this 1) because I don't have time and 2)because it'll just piss me off, but seriously, dude.
Cyn: yeah, same
Emily: god, people. just STOP.
Cyn: the sad part of this, for me, is not knowing how much of this is true
Emily: yeah
Cyn: I don't trust the media much, NONE of them are unbiased, and I SURE as hell don't trust people on livejournal
Cyn: they ALL have their own agenda.
Emily: it's sad that you can't trust people to be honest because you know, you KNOW people make this shit up to forward their own political ideals.
Cyn: exactly
Cyn: GOD.
Emily: I just...I can't handle these people. how is taking cheap stabs at the president, whether you like him or not, it's completely irrelevant, but how is this helping these people that you claim are being so terribly treated?
Cyn: fucking WORD
Cyn: that's what I don't get
Emily: instead of complaining and bitching and forwarding your own political ideals, why don't you go and try to do something that's going to help? thoughts, prayers, HAPPY THOUGHTS.
Cyn: how is more hate and more separation helping ANYONE, let alone those who need it most right now? MAH.
Emily: this kind of crisis should bring people together, not force them further apart by debating over stupid politics.
Emily: exactly.
Cyn: oh God
Cyn: I clicked one of the links
Cyn: swf movie
Cyn: and there's a pic of a dog eating a dead body as well as tons of dead bodies
Emily: oh god.
Cyn: and it ends with what I believe is the donkey of the democratic party wearing the US colors with a link to that page
Cyn: fucking brill
Cyn: gah
Cyn: a warning would have been nice
Emily: the hell
Cyn: Tags: genocide by attrition, lack of federal leadership, lack of local leadership, lack of state leadership, no exit strategy, racism
Cyn: I fucking hate people
Emily: so do I
Emily: I...god.
Emily: it just pisses me off that people would abuse something like this for their own agendas.
Cyn: and that's EXACTLY what they're doing
Emily: "Look at me! I care so much that I'm going to attack the government and I'm doing it ALL FOR THEM."
Cyn: taking GLEE in the deaths and suffering to make Bush and his government look bad
Emily: it's disgusting.
Cyn: and they're talking of SUING BUSH OVER THIS.
Emily: how is technology failing the government's fault?
Cyn: I... boggle isn't even a strong enough word.
Cyn: I AM NOT.
Emily: fuckers.
Emily: fucking bastards.
Cyn: that pretty much sums it up
Emily: do they not realize that the president is mostly a figure-head? He, personally, does not have supreme power.
Cyn: Your Earth Logic has no place here.
Emily: apparently.
Cyn: nor does your assumption that these people are intelligent.
Cyn: or know what they are talking about
Cyn: SUE!!1!!1oneone
Emily: fuck them.
Emily: I hate fucking people.
Emily: I'm moving to Antarctica.
Cyn: take me with yooooou
Emily: like I'd leave you behind with these fucking retards.
Cyn: <333
To make me feel better, here's a pic of Ewan. And one of Liam.