It's Friday! WTF? Where did my week go?
First things first, before I forget, The Chumscrubber. Instead of trying to paraphrase (I'm terrible at it, as most of you have come to realize) I'll just post the email the director sent to me.
I'm Arie Posin, the director of Chumscrubber. Thanks for signing on
to our new Chumscrubber Friends list. You'll be able to receive
bulletins from us as we approach our August 5th (limited) release
date. Afterwords, you can track us as we hopefully widen into a
National release and open at a theater near you! I'll be writing to
you myself, as will Bonnie Curtis (producer), and even some of our
actors and other friends who will check in from time to time.
YOUR CHUM ASSIGNMENT: Don't forget our MESSAGE BOARDS -- connect
there NOW to discuss the movie, or parenting, or "teenaging", or just
see what others are saying about the movie. You can also find links
there to other relevant sites. You can connect to all of it through
our main website:
Last night we screened late in Minneapolis at the University.
Beforehand, we got to walk around Dinkytown and take in the sites,
including a breathtaking view of Minneapolis' downtown lit up at
night. The Chumscrubber posters were everywhere with postcards
stacked in every shop. There was no way to miss it. No surprise
then, when we first entered the theater to find 350 rowdy locals
looking for a good time at our movie. Bonnie and I made a quick
introduction, hoping to let the movie speak for itself. It was a
great crowd and a great night with lots of probing questions. One
suburban mom brought her teenage daughter and two of the daughter's
friends. After the movie she made sure to lean in to me and say, "You
know, we're not ALL that bad" referring to the suburban moms in the
movie, adding "although I do know all of them - I think they all live
in my neighborhood!"
Today, we had a full day of press, including television interviews and
a live call-in to a local radio morning show. But Bonnie had one
important place she couldn't miss visiting and we called for a car to
take us there: she wanted to see the statue of Mary Tyler Moore in
downtown Minneapolis. Bonnie was desperate for a Chumscrubber hat to
throw in the air for a picture but we couldn't find one, so we settled
for her posing in her ChumShirt.
Now we're heading back to Los Angeles for more prep and press; then
Sunday we travel to Dallas to begin our swing through Texas and
Arizona, ending up in Sacramento on Thursday.
Thanks for your continuing interest, and as always, followed below are
our P.S's, with all the relevant information you can forward on to
your friends and family. Our opening day, August 5th, is now only 8
days away!
P.S. THE WEBSITE: Our new poster and trailer
is up. We also have a message board there. Sign on and meet other
Chumscrubber friends.
P.P.S. OUR DATES: AUGUST 5th - we open in Seattle, Portland,
Minneapolis, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Austin, Phoenix, Sacramento, Milwaukee,
and Orlando. We need your word of mouth to get this movie seen, so
please forward this email to all your friends and family who live in
these nine cities. For everyone else, you can direct them to our
website or tell them to ask for Chumscrubber at their local multiplex.
It's only word-of-mouth that will bring this movie into theaters --
Please ask for it!
I've been hanging out with
free_method for the past few days (SHOCKING, I know) and last night was another movie night!
Attack of the Clones: OMG. People say TPM is bad, and I'll totally give them that because Tatooine was the biggest waste of time ever. But AtoC? WAY WORSE. Doesn't even have Liam Neeson to make it all better. Wait, let me take that back. It has 3 seconds of Liam Neeson in which, if you crank the volume up on the TV, you can hear him shouting in Yoda's head, "Anakin! Anakin! NOOOOOO!" Though, I have my suspicions that the "no" was someone else, because it was decidedly un-Liam Neeson-ish.
On top of all that, Obi-Wan Kenobi was butchered as a character, though Ewan McGregor did everything in his power to rescue him, given what he had to work with. Hayden Christensen, while painful in most scenes, pulled off the monologue about killing the Sandpeoplewhatevers very well. Natalie Portman, while her character was still completely bassass and awesome still (UNLIKE RotS) gave the worst acting of the entire movie. She surpassed even Hayden in this category. Maybe it's that she just couldn't make the crapass dialogue work, but I was so disappointed.
It seems that Mace and Yoda are the gossip queens of the council, as well. And when Obi's around, he's in on it, as well. And while we're there, wtf Yoda? I'm glad they dramatically improved the CGI!Yoda for RotS, because it was painful in AotC.
K-19 Okay, I kinda liked this movie. I loved Papa!Liam and Angry-Mother!Harrison Ford. The CGIed sub was fairly good, considering when the movie actually came out. And! WTF Martin from Kinsey was there! He's like, stalking all the SW cast. 2 movies with Liam and he's also in 'Shattered Glass,' which we rented but haven't watched yet. Can't remember if he's in an Ewan movie. I think he is. *checks IMDB* No, nevamind. ^^^;
Schindler's List Wow. This movie is absolutely beautiful. Liam? You were wonderful. Raph Fiennes (who I will forever refer to as Voldemort) was also deliciously evil in that really manic, almost lost-childish sort of way. I loved the black and white and the subtle touches of color every so often to suddenly grab your attention. The cinematography was breathtakingly beautiful and GUH. It's such a sad, beautiful movie. I'm going to have to make about 8 million icons for it. It's one of those movies, like LotR, where all you need to do is crop, *maybe* add some text and boom you're done.
Plus! Schindler says that he's good for Presentation. *dies* You and me, Liam. Presentation junkies. And no, Kelsey and I didn't watch that sex scene where you see Liam's ass 10 times, nope. We are terrible people.
So I got the book I need to read for orientation a couple days ago. Seriously? The world hates me. I have to read "Bartleby" by Herman Melville. I HATE THIS SHORT STORY. We read it in my junior Enriched Lit class and I hated it. With a passion. And now I have to read it again and I think I might just throw myself off a cliff. Or into the pool because it's hot out. Something.
Winamp is hating me. I accidently hit ctrl+V on it when I was copy/pasting for
starnet and ctrl+V in Winamp = stop after current song. So I have it on shuffle, but after a song it just stops and I have to go and push play again. It pisses me off and I can't figure out the opposite of ctrl+V! It's not ctrl+C and it's not hitting ctrl+V again. Fucker.
Another list of things I need to get done:
LJ update
Ender's Game
Send in stuff to Puget Sound
Schindler's List icons
other icons?
Organize DVDs
Pack stuff up to ship to school
Fix fucking Winamp
10 years ago: I was 8 and therefore completely obsessed with Power Rangers and Tiny Toons. I was also laughing at how babies were made and really confused as to why my pregnant teacher would walk around with her pants unbuttoned at the top. Still don't really understand that, actually.
5 years ago: I was 13 and really hating myself, because I was 13 and I think just about everyone hates themselves at 13. I was getting ready to go to 8th grade and tension between my parents was at it's peak--my mom wanted to move to California and I wanted to movie in with my dad. Spent the entire school year arguing and fighting and crying until I finally won.
1 year ago: I was dreading going back to school, because I didn't really have any classes I was excited for (except AP Lit, though that was a scary prospect) and I was going to be a Senior and therefore I had only 1 year left before I had to be Grown Up.
Yesterday: I had Coldstone for breakfast and watched movies with Kelsey and dressed up her cat as "Master Lampu." Poor Bella Master Lampu.
5 snacks I enjoy: Sandwiches (yes, that is a snack ^^; ), Ritz Bits w/ cheese, carrots, bread, and salami.
5 things I’d do with $100 million:
1. Buy tonsandtonsandtons of DVDs. Every movie/tv show ever made that I even vaguely like. I'd own it.
2. Travel all over the world--especially Europe. I love Europe and all it's history.
3. Buy big houses for all my family. Really big houses.
4. Buy my way into a party that had Liam Neeson or Ewan McGregor in it and drool near them. Wouldn't actually go up and talk to them, because I'm too much of a chickenshit to do that, but if I could just be within 10 feet of them I'd be happy.
5. Start a book store. Always seemed like a good idea to me, to own a bookstore.
5 bands that I know the lyrics of most of their songs: Baha. I'm totally including solo artists in this because, well, just because. Queen, Bowie, Icehouse (maybe not all, but more than most), Jack Johnson, and Spoon.
5 locations I’d like to run away to: Isola Bella, New Zealand, London, New York, Outing, MN.
5 bad habits I have:
1. Procrastination LIKE WOAH.
2. Cracking my neck/back/shoulder/anything that'll make that satisfying sound.
3. Taking off my shoes wherever I go. I love shoes, just not wearing them.
4. Singing along while listening to my iPod in public places. Gets you quite a few stares.
5. Organizing other people's things. I'm a little OCD like that.
5 things I like doing:
1. Reading fic ^^^^^;
2. Swinging
3. Making lists and organizing things
4. Making cakes (I'm weird like that)
5 things I would never wear:
1. Push-up bra. Boobs are big enough, kthx.
2. Those little half-sweater things that everyone's wearing now. Hate those.
3. Colored nylons.
4. Giant sunglasses. Sorry, Nina.
5. Snake skin. S'ugly.
5 TV shows I like:
1. Stargate SG-1
2. Lost
3. Alias
4. Unwrapped
5. Conan
5 movies I like: Oh god this is going to be hard. Just 5? Meep.
1. Velvet Goldmine
2. LotR
3. Love Actually
4. Schindler's List
5. Trainspotting
5 famous people I’d like to meet:
1. Liam Neeson (SHOCKING)
2. Ewan McGregor (*points to previous comment*)
3. Tom Stoppard
4. Neil Gaiman
5. Howard Shore
5 biggest joys at the moment: Whipped cream, comfy pants, PSP, my pillow, and Jayson
5 favorite toys: Computer, PSP (shh, that counts as separate), Master Lampu, pool floatie thing, and digital camera.
Tagging? Meh. This one's been getting around, so I'll not tag.