Oct 31, 2004 22:07
This thing is so neglected. It's rather sad. I'm posting now, though! That should count for something. It's just that Xanga lets me do way more cool stuff with the layout and everything that LJ is kind of... outdated. Granted, LJ has the communities and everything and that dominates over Xanga's user groups that's not even a separate thing, it's just a group of the personal journals. Which is rather stupid if you ask me.
So college. College college college. I'm not even there yet and I already have a hate/love relationship with it. Hate-applications. Love-Classes where you actually learn something. Hate-Tuition. Love-Living in a dorm away from parents and crazy dogs that try to hump your leg. Hate-The idea of having absolutely no freetime for the next 4 years. Love-No more high school drama! God! That's going to be the best part! Because if I don't want to, I never ever have to talk or see any of the people that I've come to hate from high school. And I don't even know why I hate them anymore, I think it's mostly that I'm so fed up with the whole concept of *high school* that I take out my aggression on the people that are just annoying.
I still have no idea where I'm going though, and that's really really sad. It's already November (or it will be in about 2 hours) and I still don't know where I'm applying. Procrastination gone terribly wrong. This is the rest of my life I'm putting off, here. I've looked at some schools (Northwestern, eeeeeee! I'll never get in but eeeeeee!)
Anyway, yeah. College crisis is consuming my life right now. At least, the part that's not already devoted to my piles of homework for classes I really, really don't like (I want my history classes back, damnit!), working at Target (cashiering= death) and starting Tuesday, actually trying to be good at the clarinet again. God. Really not looking forward to my first ever lesson. Well, I am, because I want to do well in band, especially since I'm in Concert Band, the most elite group of Edina High School, and I'm surrounded by all these people who are seriously passionate about the music they play and it's just amazing.
And yet I still fine time to be fannish. Yeah, I don't go to bed until 1 AM these days, but you know, I think I might have an actual nervous breakdown if I didn't take the time to indulge myself and go on House-Pride to chat and read fic. Not because I need to feed my addiction--I've gone a month without fic or any internet access at all, for that matter-- and I was fine. I didn't fall over dead or anything, but I find that going online is like stepping into my comfort zone and it's very relaxing for me. Take Xanga and LJ--great places to rant and just get all that raw emotion out so that when you goto school the next morning you aren't shrieking and slapping anyone who comes near you.
You know, maybe I'll use this journal to post things that I'd rather not have my RL friends stumble across. None of them check this anymore, though Nina might occationally, and you know. It's Nina, she knows everything about me anyway ^____^