May 02, 2005 18:56
I'm sooooo mad right now. How do I keep letting her back into my life? I hung out with Cathy today, and a lot of my friends to know I'd hung out with her a few times lately, and needless to say, it didn't go well.
It's weird... I miss her so much. I miss her smile, I miss the way she smells, the way she moves, and her sarcastic witt. But the more I'm around her, the more I realize how her bitterness towards the world and my friends as well as this constant state of angst she puts me in because she is always judging me makes me feel like crap. I hate it...
Today, I was showing her pictures on my computer after some Dr. Mario, and we came across some fun ones. I was showing her all the pictures I saved off of I've saved everything teke related on there I could find. I showed her Adam Sandler's ball pit that made it on there, a christmas tree made of 3000 beer bottles in georgia tech's teke house, and we also came across a picture of a topless girl with TKE written on it. She proceded to freak out. Now, it might've been justified if we were dating, although even then it shouldn't have been a big deal, because it was an ugly girl in the picture, but I'm not even dating her. I mean, she expects me to be at her side whenever she needs me like we're in a relationship, expects me not to see any other girls, but also wouldn't sleep with me, because we're not dating... Blech... I hate this... She stormed out the house, I caught up with her, and we just stood there. She stared at me, and didn't have to say a word for like 5 'r 10 minutes. She's able to do that for 2 reasons. 1- She can't discuss problems at all and 2- what social skills does she have? She has no friends(it's easy to be alone when you hate everyone, even your boyfriend).
I'm fucking done with this... I'm not talking to her anymore, and I'm going on some dates in the near future. I've been looking for girls, but my heart's kinda been back and forth on it. I know now, it's time to move on... No questions asked...