Jan 05, 2009 21:20
It's that time of the year when you heigh yourself off to the school bookstore to scour the aisles, driven by one burning purpose: you must read the introduction to the textbook before you get to class so that when the professor goes around the room asking everyone why they're taking the class you are not forced to turn to the person next to you and whisper, "Hey, what is discrete math, anyway?"
Unfortunately, the textbook... Well, here's a quote from the preface. "Discrete mathematics describes processes that consist of a sequence of individual steps." It does seem to elaborate from there, but this is the first day and I have the attention span of a panicky squirrel. Oddly enough, when I open the book to a random page and start reading, I invariably find it fascinating and have to pause every other sentence to think about the implications for a while. It makes for slow reading, but at least it's a happy kind of slow.
I also had C++ this afternoon. I was right to look forward to meeting other students taking programming classes. I walked in and everyone was talking about video games. At last, I am among my kind.
Not that I'll have a lot of time to talk to those students. Mostly because I just couldn't say no to Computer Systems 1. I mean, it's about how computers work. The textbook has sections like "Writing Cache-Friendly Code" and "A Detailed Look at Pipeline Operation".
Now I must brush my teeth and go to bed because I'm so tired that if I don't take action right now those two things are likely to happen concurrently.