(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 12:59

I'm back from YLA3 with half my voice left but it was SLAMMING :D The ninjas were the wildest tribe! Our campers were awesome <3

We have our ice-king and breakdancer (who is my dance partner!? - Can you picture the scene!), and some serious talent there. We have a lemon who composes songs and survived after ning's l33t throwing skills had a pen bounce off his head. Our girls were sweet and were all ready to unleash their super ninja powers especially my roomies Kerrie, Melissa and Brenda. I'm terribly proud of everyone of you! *bursts into cheer*

Of course, we had tons of fun as SLs too. Our first night had the coolest tribal council possible. Second night, I uhmm... lost every round of Pig. DANG. Ohoh, and we doodled over Kenny & some campers. Heh, my masterpieces aren't as great as Adam & Khaidan's but I'm still proud of my clouds and cauliflowers :D

Kenny has an awesome cramping body carrying a baby (yet still climbs on top of the table & falls). Honestly though, there is so much to learn from this dude.
Khai Dan stunned me! Okay I never talked to him and always thought that he's really quiet but NO SHIT MAN.
Adam keeps laughing at me and had created a line-up of the most embarassing of claps for us SLs. His head is always churning out great cheers - and eventually led us to be the wildest tribe eh?
Clement! My MBIO senior *gasps* - together with Chengyi was always churning awesome games to hype our campers up. Bet he also enjoyed laughing AT me with the rest of the SLs. Tsk.
Chengyi! YOU SLEEPY DING. Should've bolted out of bed to join us in drawing on their faces!
Pris, our resident bimbo whom I eventually caught up with!? And my awesome roomie who slept next to the window :D <3
Pam - there's is so much more we can talk about! We need another camp ):
Feeeee! Though you were hardly there, I'm glad we talked a bit here and there! You must've been real tired but that never stopped you from joining our cheers whenever you can <3

I've got pissed by the riverrrrrrr.
1. next to each number, write only the name of the person who fits.
2. answer one question with one name.
3. don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.

1. xunfazedx
2. bluevelvetdress
3. bonnipink YER SKILLZZ
4. silentcelle
5. chocolateheart_ all cheery
6. venialis
7. tingatron
8. the_incognito
9. bluevelvetdress
10. thehumanmarble
11. moderndysphoria
12. chimamirenohane
13. glitterbella
14. I can't think of any!
15. w_iredblind, she'll never make it!
16. girlyouknew
18. yellowbrickedrd
19. novander
20. Lucilleee <3 who doesn't have an lj
21. Everyone?
22. Ning?
24. chewherwords
25. thestarkiller
26. adryenne
27. Lucilleee
28. cosmiclatte :D
29. yellowbrickedrd ):
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