Apr 28, 2006 01:08
Yo, sup?
Ok, so i have been reading everyone else's live journals, well my friends who post that is, and they are all sad...well either that or frustrated! Well turleys was encouraging i guess, the fact that he can pass his degree is cool, and Vee, well she is just got so much on right now, there is not even enough space on these journals for her stuff. Soz vee...
Anywho, Aber POST ATE MY MAIL... I was beginning to think that aber mail was having a conspiracy against me sending mail to male friends, either that or they wanted a real nice data cd i made for a mate. But it turns out that it takes 2weeks for a letter to get to bath...i could have walked there quicker!!! Oh well, i hope he actually got the Cd and wasnt just saying it, to shut me up - people do that you know! lol!
I have lots of work to be getting on with this week, and i seem to be picking more and more up everywhere i go, i swear i should stop putting things off probably! oops!
Spence etc came up at the weekend, was cool to see him, but it reminded me how much i need to send more CV's and stuff off...eek! Oh well! Will try and sort that out tommorow! Cause that would be useful!
Rite, so have to go to bed soon, need to go back on the detox me thinks, i was doing really well on the diet thing for a while and then am starting to get the tummy back and i need it to be flat ish for spain! lol!
CIou for now cheekas'
Love Me xx