
Sep 30, 2011 17:03


Name: Taiki (Kouri)
Room: 2-18
Collar Colour: Blue
Job: Window Washer
Current State: Died 2 times (flew off the roof with Eridan, got eaten by spidermom) Currently in Eridan's nightmare world
Trunk Contents:
- 2x dark grey loose trousers
-2x white tunic dress
-1x dark grey over robe with gold clasp and white sleeve cuffs
-1x pair of black shoes.
-1X Formal outfit, including white underskirts and dark grey over robe with gold trim.
-1x Pajamas, light grey
-1x Sketchpad
-1x Set of watercolours
-5x Paint brushes in different sizes
- 2x Bizare monstorous shadows
- Gyousou's cloak (Given as reward for experiments)


Amadeus Ethelbert: Bumped into him in the study room, literally. He was kind though and wanted to know where Taiki's parents were, he said he would keep an eye on Taiki.

England (male): They met in the kitchens and drank Jasmine tea. They spoke about where they were from and also tea. Sanshi was there too and Taiki promised that if they ever got back he would visit England one day to see the country.

After the experiments they saw each other again and Taiki confided in England telling him how he had allowed Gohran to kill and how he and Eridan had died, as well as worrying that he was now a murderer. England tried to tell him that killing wasn't always wrong and Taiki gave him a Kirin lecture. England wasn't offended though and tried to persuade Taiki that he was not a bad person for what he had done. Taiki confided to him his worries.

Cain Knightlord: A friendly man who knocked on Taiki's door and wanted to know about his world. Taiki told him about Tai and about Gyousou and about flying off the tower. Cain wants to help everyone get home and so Taiki was happy to help by answering questions.

Castiel: An angel who Taiki met on his first day in the tower. He knew what a Kirin was and also knew Keiki. He told Taiki that the tower claimed the worlds had been destroyed and that he had been here for months. He also told Taiki that people died a lot but came back to life, an idea that Taiki found disturbing. Later Taiki found him in the library but he was paranoid and wondered if Castial wanted to harm him. Castial was hearing voices. He asked if Taiki was scared of him.

Crona: A person who Taiki met when they had cut themselves. They had black blood which was really strange but it still made Taiki feel ill, Sanshi helped them as much as she could. They told Taiki they had a weapon in their blood, that was disturbing to Taiki. They then were upset because they missed home.

Edward Elric: They met on Taiki's first day in the tower, Edward wanted to know what Sanshi was and they spoke about different worlds and Taiki found out Ed had been in the tower for two months.

Eridan Ampora (AU): Taiki's roomate, he looks like Dualscar and so Taiki was terrified of him at first. It didn't help that Taiki was paranoid and asumed he had come to kill him. They started off badly and things got worse. When the final stage of the experiment hit Taiki decided to fly away and offered to take Eridan with him.

They died and Taiki avoided Eridan believing the troll was mad at him, he then apologised and offered to do whatever Eridan wanted to make it up for him. Eridan wanted one of Taiki's shirei so Taiki asked Gohran if he'd protect Eridan but Gohran refused. Eridan decided Taiki could run errands for him instead and bring him food. Taiki agreed and a friendship was born. Taiki turned up in his nightmare world where he was being tortured.

Eridan Ampora (OU): He was cleaning and Taiki mixed him up for other Eridan at first. He was in other Eridan's nightmare world when Taiki and Vivi turned up.

Feferi (OU): They made friends and talked about Alternia and how it was different from Earth. They also discuss how their worlds can't have been destroyed (and how Feferi's origional world was).

Germany (OU): Gohran killed him during the experiments. Taiki later apologised to him over the network.

The Handmaid: She stopped him to ask him questions after he stared at her because she looked like Aradia. She wanted to know how long he had been there and who was in charge.

Karkat Vantas (AU): Taiki hasn't actually met him but he has met spidermom and Karkat was hiding :S.

Keiki: Taiki learnt that Keiki was in the tower on his first day. There was tears and hugging and Keiki told Taiki the little that he knew about the place they had been brought to and also that there were talking ponies there.

L: A man who Taiki found examining the ceiling, he was nice though and new and asked Taiki some questions about the tower.

Link (OU): They spoke while Taiki was paranoid and Link was trying to set up a fighting group. It went as well as could be expected. Taiki didn't trust Link and told him violence was wrong.

Marceline: She played nice music and then they spoke about the food in the tower and how the world wasn't destroyed.

Naoto Shirogane: She stopped Taiki to ask him some questions.

Orphaner Dualscar: In the aquarium, with a pair of cutlesses. Taiki almost passed out because he had been killing sharks and fish. Dualscars was discusted by Taiki's weakness and planned to slash him a little to teach him a lesson. However Sanshi and Gohran intervened, Sanshi snatched Taiki away and Gohran fought. Taiki had a cut on his arm though and was in a bad way for a couple of days. Gohran ripped one of Dualscar's arms off.

Protoman: Protoman surprised Taiki and made him drop his tray in the cafeteria, he snapped at him to tell him to watch what he was doing and then stormed off. Taiki is going to try and avoid him.

Ross Lalonde: They met on floor 20 just after Taiki woke up from dying. Taiki gave Ross some information about the tower since Ross was new.

Santana Lopez: A really mean girl he met on floor 17, Taiki almost fainted from the blood there and she threatened to leave him if he passed out. They managed to get out of the room and she told him that he was weak and worthless, he agreed. She told him to find something else to do and finally snapped at him and told him she didn't care when he tried to explain about Kirin's. So he ran away in tears.

They later met when Santana was singing and dancing. He had went to see who was singing and was worried when he saw it was Santana. They spoke for a while but he annoyed her and she sent him away, just to call him back to tell him that he was too polite and that was why he was annoying. Taiki didn't really understand so she told him to go away.

Signless: Taiki answered his post asking for help in bringing down the people who were keeping them prisoner. Even though Taiki cannot fight he offered to let his Shirei help and help in any way he could. He told Signless he could walk through solid matter and was recruited.

Later he went to meet Signless and they discussed their plan. Taiki told Signless he couldn't fight at all and that blood made him ill. Signless sugested that once Taiki had helped them get into the elevator he go so he didn't get hurt. Taiki then began to demonstrate what he could do.

Spain (female): Taiki was paranoid so turned into Kirin form, he terrfied Spain (who was also paranoid) and then changed back into a human and cried. Spain wanted to know if he was going to eat him and Taiki felt really bad. She finally told him to go away and he is now avoiding her. They later met after the creepy network posts. She still seemed scared but she was nice to him. She told him she had killed her daughter and Taiki was horrified.

Vivi Ornitier: A little black mage Taiki met at Molly's party, he was very nice and shared his food with Taiki. He came to Taiki's nightmare world and they both went on to Eridan's.

Vriska Serket: He didn't really meet her but he did follow her fairy dust trail to the forest to Karkat's lusus.

Dissapeared Characters who Taiki knew:

Aradia Meido: They met in the swimming pool and Taiki taught her how to swim. It was adorable.

Canada (female): They met in the aquarium and spoke about how they were trapped. Taiki learnt what a Nation was.

Rose Lalonde: She played the violin, it was very pretty and Taiki went to listen to her.

South Italy (female): She was one of the people experimented on and Taiki really wanted to help her but as she had skin cut open he almost passed out and made her feel worse. Sanshi helped her though.

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