Sep 19, 2008 17:18
It's amazing how much better I feel after my period is gone. (sarcasm) Also I have power again. I had to stay at Rachel's for two days and throw out everything in my fridge thanks to the wind storm.
I am going to Columbus next weekend while Rachel is out of town for a conference. People I hope to hang with in alphabetical order:
Angie & Wes
Donnie & Andrew
*(please get pizza with me after that show on Friday and then hang with me on Sunday. I have seen you once in the last 5 months, I would like to do our usual of smoking a bowl, listening to some music, and perhaps watching a stupid movie. Maybe outdoor activities with dogs?)
It's amazing how much crap I just removed from my car. Work has been crazy lately. Yesterday I had to do a big presentation in front of a ton of people, then teach my class, then I went out for food with Eric. Tonight we are supposed to watch the Dario Argento box set I got, but if he doesn't call soon I am going to go out with Rachel. Tomorrow night I am going to see Parasite in 3D at midnight at the Cedar Lee.
Hopefully tomorrow morning I will be the proud owner of a new car. Then I will spend the afternoon chained to my desk, cranking out icons.