I am such a procrastinator.
The dogs got haircuts last weekend. They look sweet and not at all like little monsters.
I have been up to my elbows in work, real job and out. I did some icon design this week, built prototypes for a whole new site section, and was forced to do crappy corporate feel goodery.
Boris blew my mind last night. Torche was pretty good. I didn't see that much of Nachtmystium but liked it. I got some awesome shirts, one has a devil goat, saw people I haven't seen in a while and smoked a bowl in my car before the last set.
My dishwasher works now, this is eventful. Rowan barks at it.
It is hot as fuck.
Lots of Six Feet Under was watched.
I upgraded to Leopard.
Tomorrow my sister and I might get manicures and pedicures and eat in Little Italy.
Saturday Windsor and cramps! I need to make a mix!