How I spent my morning:
Unfortunately the controls are as a friend puts it:
"as precise as a drunk man using a sledgehammer to perform dental work"
But now I have Bejeweled on my iPhone which is all I really wanted anyway. The remote feature is nice too. Now I can use my phone to control iTunes and Front Row on my iMac. I ended up two hours late for work doing this update and I'm probably leaving early!
I am taking an interview candidate to lunch. I was supposed to be on the interview team, but seeing as how I know him and all that wouldn't exactly be kosher. I feel for him, the interviews here are grueling, usually 5 hours and we use the same process and questionairres as the FBI.
How I will spend my evening:
- Hanging out on couch with Rachel
- Drinking beer and taking bong rips
- Watching Six Feet Under
- In pajamas
- Eating Hunan on Coventry (presuming I can will myself into touristville to go pick it up, which I should do so I can pick up Boris tickets.)
- Playing with dogs
- Getting yelled at for paying more attention to my iPhone than social interaction.
Also, I don't get the appeal of Weeds for people who don't smoke. I mean, a lot of the jokes couldn't possibly make sense, right? Also I am peeing my pants about Boris/Torche/Nachtmystium next week. Hopefully I won't get my period on oh say, the day I leave for Windsor. Duty free single malts are in my future.
I realized that my previous 3 locked entries made me sound like I am having some type of issues right now. I am not, all is fine. They were unrelated occurances, I am a dumbass and it is over, and therapy is also completely unrelated and more to do with my inability to focus on anything lately. In other words life is good and I am totally fine but thanks for the inquiries.