
Jul 29, 2008 21:52

Haha, so it's like what? July 29th and I'm updating 3 days away from the release of Breaking Dawn. I have tons I want to share. Like, for one, I have "biten" Rebekah. My latest friend to get addicted to the Twilight series. The sad thing is, she started to read it like a week ago and I told her she has 3 days to read it before Breaking Dawn is

I seriously need to get off the internet. I came across a spoiler. I read it, and i'm and it's true. haha. The guy who plays Emmet in the movie said the book ends with a surprise and i'm in shock. SM needs to answer some questions if so!

Okay, I just wanted to update a lil bit. I'll update more tomorrow, I I'm going to make a vow to stay off of twilight related sites (except for & Those 2 sites WILL be spoil free. I don't want to ruin this for me. This is the first book series that I had to wait for the next book to come out and I want to keep waiting until Friday at Okay, well, I highly doubt it will be friday night when I get my hands on a book, maybe more like early Saturday

I think i'm actually going to break the news to my parents that i'm in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen... hahahaha

rebekah, breaking dawn, twilight, edward cullen

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