Apr 12, 2008 02:58
I just finished Twilight about 15mins ago. This is the fastest that i've ever read a book that was longer than 300 pages..lol I admit I don't read much..or at all..lol
Like I said in my earlier entries, I'm mad at myself for searching Twilight stuff online, at least I know I mentioned it to Tai, Twitter and a co-worker. I watched a lovely video from ET doing a behind the scenes on the movie set. Well..I saw Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen running after Bella before Tyler hits her with the Van, and then I see him flying through the air in this dark room and the floorboards are breaking away and he's attacking someone else. I knew by then I saw too much. Twilight is the first book series that I'm actually getting into that I haven't seen the movies first, or asked someone what has happend. Quite frankly, this is shocking for me, I always have to know how it ends before I even appy myself to it.
I have to admit, I love it. Its way up there with Harry Potter, I think it's because of the romance in it. How much Bella can't stand to be away from him at any given time. How much Edward can't stand to be around her cuz he smells her wonderful scent. I enjoyed their 1st kiss, I was actually gasping..lol and then their 2nd kiss she fainted..at the hospital her heart stopped.
"And he leaned down to press his cold lips once more to my throat."
Nice way to end a book, isn't it? Of course my book has the next chapter of the 2nd book, but I refuse to read it before I have that book. My alarm is set for 9 so I can run downtown and buy the 2nd book. I'm still upset with myself about eariler..
I dont' like Jacob Black or his father. I like Alice, shes fun and I think we all need a Jasper in our lives.
Sleep is finally setting in on me. I can't wait till the movie comes out in Dec. I hope they put the baseball scene in. Oh, and I was so giddy when he took her to the Prom. I was trying to tell myself that there was no way possible for them two to go... and they did =)
I'm hopeless....