Apr 11, 2008 19:35
That is how I feel. Reading Twilight isn't heathly for me at all. It took me at least a hr or so for my heart rate to slow down today at work. All I did on my lunch was read a chapter and a couple of pages into the next. I went back a chapter so I could re-read it cuz I was amazed buy it. Hopefully as I continue to read on.....my heart rate will stay down!
I think the last couple of chapters when they start to confess their love for each other are amazing, toe curling, a lot of gasping, heart racing, tears in my eyes. It's nothing you want to read before going to bed. I had to force myself to sleep, I had to force myself to shut the book and say finish it tomorrow Mandy. It was very hard, so when Bella went to bed with Edward by her side...so did I.
It was hard.
Work on the other hand was horrible. Esp this morning. Apparently more stuff are being said about me. Ah..really? It was bareable for a lil bit. One of the attorney's made a point to say that something good is going to happen soon. I think I said that yesterday. I'm sure I did.
Okay i'm going to go now. I'm finding myself fading away from livejournal and I just did a photobucket search of Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson =) sooo hotttt...