Jan 05, 2007 10:06
i've been to portland, oregon and to the urbana missions conference in st. louis, and not much to say except that g'lord i've got questions. i do like pine trees, mountains, cities where people read, and good coffee though.
i'm back in chicago and moved into my new apartment with a new roommate. he's nice- the first roommate to offer me breakfast in the morning. too bad i'm never awake enough to take him up on it. originally this was going to be temporary, but i kinda wish he'd stay for the six months that i think i'll be here. the apartment it still a mess from moving in and my stuff is still scattered between the two chicago apartments, as well as in nj.
neil chudgar, my grad-student professor for wordsworth: theory and history, may be a bit anal is rather neurotically adorable. he makes self-deprecating allusions to his own pretention; blurts out embarassing stories and laughs them off (i.e. he takes wordsworth into the shower and plasters the wet paper on his shower wall so that it sticks and he can read it; the pencil marks do not erase after that, he tells us); makes the co-op buy optional books because they're pretty, have nice paper texture, and mostly importantly-- a ribbon!; and seriously believes that knowing wordsworth well can make life a little bit better.
i'm thinking of flying out to LA for a weekend in february as my last trip as a college student-- unless i get that grant to travel to korea and japan for spring break...
but i have class in five minutes and have nothing of consequence to say.