I love you, Eric!

Aug 29, 2009 22:53

Eric Northman (True Blood) ismytruelove!

Name of your character: Eric Northman
The fandom of your character: True Blood
Why do you love this character? I became intrigued with Eric since the first time I saw him. It was probably because he has such a confident and dominating personality; and as I continued to watch True Blood, I learned a lot about his past; and with that came his soft side. Especially when it came to Godric, his maker. Eric is also very humorous and sweet. His mixed personality caused me to fall in love with the him, and I can't wait to see what's in store for him later on in the series. Not to mention.. he's extremely gorgeous..;D
Show us a picture, video, or something of your true love:

tv show: true blood

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