Jul 20, 2006 10:35
Life, is good.
Very good.
David and I go and pick up our new 2003 Kia Sedona tonight. No more broken down old cars, you have no idea the frustrations this alleviates. 40,000 miles, 2 1/2 year factory warranty. Sounds ideal considering we didn't want to buy new- too much depretiation on a brand new vehicle for the purchase to be worth it. New-used is awesome. Let someone else take that value cut and drive it off the lot.
David has his business up and running, he still works weekdays at his original job and is handling his accounts on the weekend until he picks up enough work to drop his 9-to-5 job. Right now he is only showing an 800/month profit from the business. But hey, getting the business running was the HARD part. The rest is gravy from here.
Jack and David got a 20,000 paint job bid, so in a few months when they do that it will be 10,000 a piece in pocket. It is a government bid so they cover all supplies, so that money will have no cost coming out of it. When that comes, David is going to buy himself a new-used truck like we did the van and pay outright for it. The van still has 2 1/2 years factory warranty left on it - we will look for something equally new with low mileage by way of his truck.
At the end of our lease in August, we might very well be moving into a 4 bdrm, 3 bath house in the County's Country Club Estate. It is up rent-to-own. We hadn't quite established the credit to finance a house and were planning and waiting until the end of NEXT year's lease to do so, however, rent to own mankes that financial bind much less difficult to evade. So, we might just have both vehicles, our two kids and a dog, and a nice house that is actually ours by the end of the year.
Honestly, a year ago I never ever would have thought that before I turned 22 I'd be this, set, in life. New vehicles, our own house, everything. What is left after that? I mean, we will have to continue working to make the payments - but the truck will already be paid off, the van only has 200/mo. for two years and then it is ours - and mortgage is cheaper than rent in Florida anyway, so our bills will be decreasing rather than increasing. We won't really NEED anything else for a while. David said once we get the truck bought, and the house situation settled in so that we are paying all of our bills comfortably - we might get a boat. That would be so nice. David had a boat the whole time I was growing up with him, well his parents did, and it felt great to be able to go out on the lakes for the weekend.
I look back to where I was last year - before David, before I moved out of my Mom's... and it's just so interesting how things work out. I guess everything really does happen for a reason. I love life.