(no subject)

May 30, 2006 18:09

Who's Up for a Survey?
Three Names You Go By:
1. Erin
2. Rae (to Sam only)
3. Babydoll (to David only)

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Hooters shirt that was purchased at a garage sale last Friday morning.
2. My favorite jeans.
3. Green astro turf sandals clepto'd from Sam's closet, they used to belong to her husband.

Three Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. David to be out of jail.
2. Life to be simpler.
3. A kiss.

Three Things You Want Really Badly:
1. David to get out of jail.
2. Anthony to actually manage to be man enough to remain my friend.
3. I'm not sure, I want something, but I cannot decide what right now.

Three pets you had/have:
1. Leonard, a German Shepherd I have had for 8 years.
2. Twitch. My new German Shepherd.
3. Louis, a cat Sam dumped at my house.

Three things you did last night:
1. Watched a movie with David's Mom.
2. Took a bath.
3. Had some fun with myself before bed. ;)

Three Favorite Places to eat: (not in order)
1. Shelley's house.
2. Osaka
3. McDonald's. I'm addicted.

Three People that live in your house:
1. Me.
2. Me.
3. Riley.

Three things you like about yourself
1. Um, everything?
2. I really do.
3. I've grown to accept and love my strengths and weaknesses thoroughly.

Three things you ate today:
1. Doughnuts, I had four.
2. Pizza Rolls.
3. Urm, that's all so far.

Three favorite males:
1. David.
2. Anthony.
3. Seth.
I love every one of them to death.

Three favorite females:
1. Sam.
2. Meagan.
3. And I guess my sister.

three things you REALLY hate:
2. Two year olds that have been given caffiene.
3. Not being able to talk to someone when I want to.
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