May 06, 2006 13:40
I couldn't bring myself to smile when I woke up today. Even during the usually relaxing 30-minute idle time I take after taking a shower, when I tried testing that usually automatic grin that flashes whenever the camera phone is pointed at me (Yes, that was quite vain of me, I know), my newly threaded brows just couldn't help but bump against each other, as if set on war mode.
I kind-of know why, though. I felt kind-of weird yesterday. From all the meetings and photoshoots and work with the cough and colds and phlegm. Then there was this semi-awkward set-up where I was smack at middle of, and had to be the mediator of both worlds for the first time. Then there's this change of seating arrangement that makes me want to grunt in frustration at unexpected, random times during the day. (I feel like grunting now. Hmph.) God, I should be working right now, but instead I'm visiting random sites, and semi-dreaming to the moon, while my officemate is loudly playing MYMP's version of "Tell Me Where It Hurts" which I'm kind-of getting sick of already (sorry).
Though I know I'm on the road of recovery from this week-long almost-asthma. And I know I did kind-of ok as mediator for the first time during the semi-awkward set-up last night. And I know no matter what I do, I have to get used to this new seating arrangement because I'm supposedly mature and smart enough to not dwell on this. But... Hmph =(. I can't help it.
But I'm gym-ing later, and hopefully quality time with me (and my semi-dreaming to the moon thoughts) in the steam room will do the trick. And I'm meeting my friends afterwards for free dinner and free stories and free jokes and free hirits, so that should set me free. If only I can be sure that you'll be there, then perhaps I can even start singing along my to officemate's playlist.