Jun 17, 2003 12:23
1.What's your name? Leslie Anne Nussbaum
2.Whens your birthday? September 5th, 1984
3.What is your sign? virgo
4.How tall are you? according to my "ID", i'm 5"8
5.Have any hobbies? reading, being confused
6.Have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? no/not really. more like a fiance'
7.Whats their name? kreesta
8.How long have you been together? well, funny that you ask....
9.Do you work? i do
10.What do you do? i pretend i'm somewhere else
11.Are you in school? at the very moment no, but in the fall, yes.
12.Where? JCC for one semester and then it's off to UofL
13.(If in college) What is your major? Education (special ed. and B.D.) but i'll change it a hundred times before i graduate.
14.What do you want to be when you grow up? completely insane and happy
15.How old are you? "i am eighteen going on nineteen.."
16.food? chiles pablano
17.song? that changes so often, right now it's.... shy by ani
18.movie? frida and shrek
19.state? Kentucky of course
20.animal? zebra
21.person? you know that i adore you
22.color? red and blue and purple and green
23.memory? it happened at camp
24.holiday? halloween (it's like gay CHRISTMAS!)
25.Celebrity? i used to love Angelina Jolie
~What if~
26.What if you could have any super power? What would it be and why? i would be able to breathe whenever i wanted and it would rock.
27.What if you won 100 million dollars? What would be the first thing you'd do? shit my pants
28.What if you were stranded on a desert island and could only have 5 things/people? Who and What would they be and why? well, since i guess i'm already stuck with krista for the rest of my life anyway :) she can come. and we'd have iced tea, albuteral, paints and Don Juan.
29.What if some one took away one of your five senses (taste,feel,sight,hear,smell) Which would you chose for them to take and why? hear. because you can feel so much of what you hear, besides, i already know sign language :)
30.What if You could be some one else for a day (dead or alive) who would it be and why? i'd be myself at 6 years old and i'd have the time of my life
~Topics of the Heart~
31. Have you ever been in love? out, mostly, but in love too
32. Have you ever been heart broken? yeah, i have
33. If you could change one moment in your life what would it be and what difference would it have made? i'll leave this question alone
34. What was the worst fight you've had with your significant other about? hmm, well, someone once fought with me for wanting to go to my own prom, and the same person also yelled at me.....oh, it doesn't matter
35. What was the nicest thing your bf/gf did to say they were sorry? smile
~The Future~
36. If you had to get married today, who would you chose as your husband/wife? i already have
37. Do you want kids? yeah, maybe a couple guatemalans, and a few biological kids, but we won't tell them which is which, HAHA!
38.How many? no more than 3
39. When you are 65 and look back on your life what do you want to be able to say? holy shit
40. Do you think you will get a divorce? not until she's rich, hehe ;)
~The first thing that pops into your head~
41. Water: yeah....it's cool
42. Luck: Lucky Charms. They're magically delicious
43. Summer: sexy camp consolers :)
44. zoo: eating a snow cone and watching the monkeys
45. green: kermit
~Would you ever~
46. Make some one cry on purpose? not unless they were really mean or stupid
47. Eat a bug? i'm sure i've eaten plenty already
48. Go on a reality show? like Dyke Millionaire? fuck yeah
49. Sleep your way to the top? i don't think that would do me much good. i'd probably get De-moted
50. Strip? well, now that you mention it...
~Tell me more~
51. Tell me about the scariest dream you ever had? last night i dreamed that fake poor chinese kids were trying to cheat me out of my money which result in the murder of a murderer in my father's house (which really wasn't his house at all).
52. Tell me about the worst fight you ever got into? once, i threw a chair at Ed. i don't remember what we were fighting about. But when i threw it at him, it bounced off his belly so we starting laughing
53. Tell me about the meanest thing you ever said to some one you love? nothing
54. Tell me about the best present you ever received? When i was 13, my parents bought me tickets to a Alanis Morriset concert in Atlanta. i thought it was the COOLEST thing EVER.
55. Tell me about the biggest crush you ever had? i fell in love- never mind, that's none of your business.
~Are you~
56. Mean? to who?
56. Silly? too much, i'm afraid
57. Wild? i fall asleep at 9:30 pm
58. Nerdy? oh hell yeah
59. Sexy? eh- if you take your glasses off
60. Naive? oh yes
~Any last words~
61. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would be your last meal? a steak
62. If you could get the answer to just one question, what would it be?
63. If you had to sum up your life in five words or less, what would you say? what the fuck was THAT?
64. If you had to drive across America with one person who would it be? Who wouldn't it be? it would be krista, and therefor it couldn't be anyone else
65. If you were put into a different time period, what time period would you live in?
~Random Questions~
66. Mountains or Beach? mountains, definitely
67. Personality or looks? personality
68. Rough or slow? hmm, depends on my mood
69. Funny or smart? you have to be one to be the other
70. Love or crush? love