Can you say drama?!

Aug 04, 2005 13:25

There's so much drama!
Drama. Drama. Drama. My best friend is going through a rough time with
her boyfriend in that she is going to break up with him. It's really
hard for her to do bc they've been going out for almost 3 years. Yikes.
She still cares about him, but just feels she needs her independence. I
agree! Even though it's gonna be hard for her to do, I think it will be
the best thing for her. It's so hard to see her so upset about the
whole situation! I mean, honestly, who LIKES seeing their close friends
upset?-no one! It's just hard. If only I could just put a bandaid on
the situation and make it all better...yea that'd be great. But that
can't happen, so all I can do its just be there for her, which I will
of course. Then at the same time, there's another close friend of mine
dealing with a boyfriend situation, but her's is the complete flip side
of my other friend's. Her boyfriend of I think almost 2 years (?) broke
up with her bc...well I couldn't really give you a clear answer. It's
kind of happened before, but this time, it's for real. I saw how she
was last time (when it almost happened) so I can only imagine how she
is now-probably a mess. Poor thing! Again, if only I could fix it....?
Oh yea, and another friend's dad just got engaged (like 7-8 months
after my friend's mom died). It crazy! She isn't too happy about it at
all! I feel bad for her. All of this (stinks) a lot! It's really hard
on me to try to help all of my friends deal with all this stuff. Last
night I almost wanted to cry bc I just don't know how to help them and
I don't like seeing them like this! It's just a lot to deal with. I
mean, they have it worse then I do right now, so I guess I need to stop
complaining about it. Well, until next time I write in this journal,
I'll be trying to handle the drama. Choa.
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