Oct 22, 2002 03:24
Wow, this was probably one of the neatest birthdays ever. I got:
1 super cool blanket with pictures of friends collaged in artistic and funky cool ways on it from Shauna (you really have to see it).
1 message from Nathan telling me that I'm a "big boy now".
9 messages from Una telling me all sorts of odd, disturbing and amusing things.
2 messages from Nate, one of which he left at midnight of the night before (how rock is that?)
2 messages from Daniel, both of which were pretty rad.
1 message from Simone, who remembered my birthday despite living in another time zone and never having met me.
No one ever calls me on my birthday! This is unheard of! How funky cool is that mo-fo? Not only that, my parents also let me chose my own birthday presents! (They were gonna get me a new car stereo, but it turned out to be really expensive) So I have a couple of mad whack books coming in the mail for me! And RISK 2021! Not that I'm very good at normal Risk... but you're all gonna play with me anyway.
I went out to the ocean, and ate Indian food, and talked to my Grandma! She gave me a super cool... blue velvet long-sleeved shirt... if I was Nate I'd tear it up and make it look super artistic, but being me I'll probably put it in the closet for a while. And Shauna's mom gave me a really cool DVD which none of you have ever seen! HA!
All of this was really cool in itself, but then today I looked online and Graham wrote a whole post mostly about me! Granted it was about how my birthday had disturbed and depressed him... and it wasn't really "mostly" about me... maybe half of it was... but still! I depressed Graham! How cool is that? Actually it was a pretty touching post. (I could say "touching Nate", but that would be crass, and it would undermine my admission of being touched by something Graham wrote, it's a typical masculine way of cloaking emotions under a veil of humor, which is totally not my style. So I won't do that.)
What Graham doesn't realize is that my turning twenty has NOTHING on him going to college. I mean college! Come on! College is halfway to dead! Three quarters of the way to drooling even when your mouth is closed and calling everyone, male or female, by the name of Suzy. Well, nine-tenths of the way in Graham's case.
Not only that, but the little bugger just turned fourteen! I can't even imagine Graham being that old. Rather then writing something touching on live journal for his birthday I decided to just forget about it completely and then say "oh, yeah, happy birthday" when reminded.
All of this got me thinking about the quintessential moments in my relationships with each of my friends. I have a moments that epitomize every single person that I know, even those whom I hardly know at all. Those that I've known longer I have several moments with, things that stand for different parts of our relationships. I could list them all out, but I won't, cause it's sappy, and I'd need to be in an even more open mood than this one to do it.
What I will say is that Graham's one of those people who I hardly know where to start with. He's affected my life in so many ways that it's difficult to find any one moment that begins to do it justice. And I'm not gonna try. To have any meaning it has to be looked at as a broad tapestry, it's none of the little bits that are important, because there's just too much variety. Graham's been every bit as important as a brother to me. Probably much more important than he knows. And as much as I do hate him, he's pretty damn cool.
Oh yeah, and he liked the movie Wild Wild West.
If various parts of this post don't make sense just bear with me, it's three in the morn.