
May 07, 2010 13:27

I think I'm almost okay with the idea of being single for the rest of my life and not having children. I am focussing on the advantages: I get to save more money, I get to do circus and go to the gym, I get to live by myself (I find I'm becoming more and more intolerant to the idea of someone living with me - of course, I'm becoming more and more intolerant of people in general who are not already my friends) and I don't have to accomodate anyone else's tastes, preferences or schedule. It's actually a pretty good deal. I do worry about being very much alone when I'm older, but I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it. At least right now, I don't have to put up with anyone else's crap. (In retrospect: boy, was that exhausting.)

So, I am now doing my very best to focus on some life goals. One, of course, is circus (and maybe performing...), which makes me very, very happy. I neeeeed to get in touch with that pilates studio (really, Kate, get off your backside and just call them to make an appointment!) The gym is definitely getting boring and I have no weekly motivation - the physical therapist was huge motivation. If I didn't work at it, he'd Talk to me, plus I wanted to get better fast. I'm better, but if I don't keep it up, I'll get worse again. So. The pilates studio.

And running. I'm thinking about getting a pair of those Vibram FiveFingers shoes. They look so cool and I can almost feel what it would be like to run through the woods wearing those things. Neat-o! I've decided to train for the 5K race near me in CT, and if I can do that, then I'll also run the Hot Chocolate 5K in Northampton. Then, I might train for a half-marathon or full marathon. I figure, if the human body can run 100 miles, a marathon is completely doable.

Now, if only I could find a good weight lifting trainer/coach...I get the feeling that the trainers available at the gym adhere to the Old Skool idea that women shouldn't lift anything more than those pink 5 pound weights. Dammit, I want to someday squat a hundred pounds and benchpress 150lbs. Why not? The trainer I used previously (three sessions the gym gives you for free) was really wary of showing me how to do the squat thing in the first place. And she didn't want me to really lift anything heavy. Odd.

Anyway. Ramblings for the day. Hopefully, now that I've cleared my head of them and put them down on virtual paper, my neurons will focus on the doing and less of the 'thinking about it'.

gym, life, running

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