Take a last look

May 15, 2018 09:23

Sitting at the breakfast table just having finished my coffee.

I can hear the repetitive call of a dove from within the garden somewhere. The sun that was streaming through the windows at breakfast has now been replaced by heavy rain laden clouds. Just like the past 3 weeks.

I am desperate for some enduring sunshine. My head is receiving signals that it is time to hibernate...But wait! This is springtime, not winter! Mid May here in the Mediterranean and we are having snowfalls just 100kms from here.

Still with all the rain we have had the garden is a forest of green and a myriad of birds are taking advantage.

I am happy to see so many birds when reports of the disappearance of bird populations (no less than 30% in France)has been revealed. Industry and agriculture seem to always win the argument - we have a population to feed and we have to provide jobs. There are estimates of 80% if insects having disappeared from France over the past 20 years(which is an important factor in the impact of bird populations). I just don’t see the point in all are industrious efforts if the result is a beige planet without it wonderful biodiversity. All the time it took to create these amazing natural networks...makes me profoundly sad.
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