...but let me know if you disagree, I'll add bigger warnings.
I was totally right, I should have finished Torchwood before starting Series 3 of Doctor Who. >_< Oh well. Don't worry Trish, I won't make you wait. Its mostly little geeky stuff that I'm freaking out over. There are a few episodes you'll be a little spoiled for later, so if you want to do Torchwood before series 3, I'll go along with it ;) but I won't force it.
Although... did I mention this is a universe where bi is the norm? Never have I seen so much man/man/woman/woman/man/woman/alien in one place before. Even in fandom.
Also. If you have any appreciation for tv and movie scores, this is the set to geek out over.
Murray Gold is the SHIT. His stuff... I mean man. I could go on for DAYS. No joke, my mom got a preview earlier. Its like, ok. So John Williams does a theme for EVERYTHING, right? I say "Star Wars music" you say "DUN DUN DUN DUN DUNDUN DUN DUNDUN." And we all see Darth Vader march by. (Course, I say Quiddich and you hum a jedi tune, but whatever.) He was really good at connecting everyone's themes together. Luke Skywalker's theme is so similar to the force's theme, that half the time you can only tell them apart by listening to what instrument is playing it. Murray Gold? SO MUCH BETTER. For one, its subtle. Star Wars you can't watch without the music. It would suck. And I love it, so that's saying something. But Doctor Who and Torchwood? Its like, you could but WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO? He plays with your emotions every freakin minute of it. Now I know if you've listened to it at all, you're picturing the fairly cheesy "OMG We're RUNNING" themes. But think about
Rose's theme. Think about the Tardis's theme. And oh man,
the Doctor. (You try to hum me the intro theme and call it his, I'll beat you with a spork.) Fast forward to Torchwood. HELLO Capt. Jack Harkness. Hello same composer! Hello all sorts of new shiny! But! He works the same magic. And when they talk about the Doctor, you FEEL it. And Rose? Oh don't get me started on the brilliance of Rose's theme. Martha's theme... well, I'll need to think about that one a little more. Sadly, I don't feel as attached to it yet. Its like, when a tenor and a soprano sing a duet in an opera, you can remember it when you leave. You can hum it back, sing the basic tune. When the soprano sings her dying aria, its very... dramatic. But you can't sing it when you leave. Its complex and repetative but it doesn't have the same sort of melody. Rose = duet, Martha = dying aria. Also, lets point out to be fair... Rose = shop girl, Martha = resident. So... yeah, her theme should be more complex. But I always can sing a tune back. I hear it once, I can sing at least parts back. Martha's theme... not as much. I need to listen to it again. Oh darn. ;)
Also, my favorite theme possibly of the whole soundtrack... basically just a rehash of Rose's theme, but so much more. And that's of course,
the Doomsday track.
Comments? Thoughts? Give me some debate, I love this shit. Plus, leaving it public. I just see no reason to block potential discussion here. ;)
EDIT: Three samples added for the sake of argument. But
buy the CD if you can, its FABULOUS. And totally worth it.