I mentioned earlier the LJ drama... apparently, it is continuing to grow, as more people catch onto the drift of LJ's plans for us.
Comments on the design thread: the plan seems to users to be to move the older, established LJ bloggers to VOX, while leaving the "majority" (HA) population, aka teenagers, here on LJ with teen/youth focused features. Teens and 20's rebel against being labeled as interested in myspace styled blogging. Users begin to demand refunds. Someone points as the
statistics as a "reliable" measure of LJ user age. This is shot down by pointing out that a) the numbers don't add up to the total LJ users, b) the older the member, the less likely they are to want to say what year they were born, c) the age cuts off at 55, and d) people use journals for RPG as well, and often give ages to their characters. HELLO?? Logic failed.
most makes a
very articulate argument against the recent "features" LJ has tried to add. Also remarks on the loss of personality when LJ went from homegrown and owned to a piece of a corporation.
The petition is still very very active, if you didn't get a chance to sign it before. It is nearing 5000 comments. I only hope that its enough to make a difference. Be sure to pass it around, if you haven't, so as many people are made aware as possible.
Why does it seem everyone is trying to take over our internet lately? :(