The relentless declutting wrath of Islay

Oct 20, 2008 22:26

It started when I walked in to my son's room to find that he was testing the physics of light bulbs by breaking them and grinding the glass into the carpet. I started cleaning his room moved to his closet found half a dozen dishes/glasses/silverware he had stashed and new clothes old clothes ect.. Trash - old toys new toys. I called my daughter's out of work boy friend and we started to clean and clean and throw away. And it was wonderful. I then put number two child to the task of cleaning her room. After a period of fussing and complaining now her room is clean save for the closet which is for another weekend. I started on the computer room - with the blessing of himself - I threw away monitors - cords to nothing - endless supplies of computer stuff that does not work. 15 or more bags between the computer room and the children's room and the front room( which is the repository of all things SCA) Those bags went straight to goodwill and or the trash. I'm now starting on the hall closet. I have a new philosophy - if I've not done the hobby in the past year - it gets given to someone who will actually use it. I've given away hand dyed wool from France to one of my proteges and pottery books to a friend who makes pots. Cross stitch to another friend who still does hand sewing. I don't have time to do much in the way of sewing unless it means a quick and dirty t tunic for a needy child or squire (same thing) I do have my jewelery making stuff which I do use. I did this to my kitchen over the summer one of my out of work friends needed something to do and we emptied out every single cupboard and drawer - cleaned it and put back only the items I would actually use. Got rid of all sorts of un-needed items. I even purged my pictures - if the picture did not remind me of something I wanted to remember - oops so long. Mr. Man is now going to be doing this to the garage - lots of luck.
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