Aug 28, 2004 23:29
whats your name? nicole
how old? 14
siblings? brother john and (connor and ryan hahah)
their ages: 12 12 and 12
gender: female
birthday: november, 21, 1989
nationality: irish polish and italian
Birthplace: syosett
Current place: westbury
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Innie or Outtie: innie
The shoes you wore today: black sandels and then entines
your eyes: are sickkk idk ... umm blue and then slivery sometimes around the pupil
Your fears: idk prob being alone my whole life
Your most overused phrase on aim: hey whats up playa playa [the first playa is sometimes subsituted with names such as lil, popeless, 5'7", flippy, pimpjuice, pink, slick, shy ect.]
- im soo white but i do make "ill" raps lol amy
Your thoughts when you first wake up: idk i dont think when i wake up lol
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: a lot i think eyes ... hair ... body ... any one of those
Your best physical feature: idk ppl like my hair but i dont ... maybe eyes idk
Your bedtime: depends
Your most missed memory: no clue
what do you like better...
Pepsi or coke: dont taste the diference
McDonald's or Burger King: love them both
Cappuccino or coffee: hard one ... ill say bothh
do you
Smoke: neverr
Cuss: sometimes not a lot though ... only when i get hurt - ok then thats a lot ... or when im pissed
Take a shower everyday: yahh
Have a crush[es]: hmm not now no
Who are they:
Do you think you've been in love?: i think ??
Want to go to college: yup
Want to get married: yeahh
Type with your fingers on the right keys: no thats why i spell everything wrong
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: nah
Think you're attractive: nope
Think you're a health freak: not really sometimes maybe idk
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Like thunderstorms: haha yeah ... except whenn it interferes w. something i was going to do
Play an instrument: the harmonica when i want my dog to sing lmao
have you...
Gone to the mall: of course
Eaten sushi: i tried it ... didnt really like it
Been on stage: yahh
Been dumped: no
went skating: yahh
Made homemade cookies: yes
Dyed your hair: nope but some people think i have since i have like 20 diff colors
Stolen anything: i dont think so
have u ever...
Flown on a plane: yeahh many times ... well not many
Missed school because it was raining?: no
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yeah
Cried during a Movie?: yah a long time ago
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no
Cut your hair: hehe yesh
Had crush on a teacher?: uh no
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: maybee
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: noo
Been caught "doing something": i dont think so ... no
Been called a tease: no
Gotten beaten up ?: nope
Beaten somebody up ?: i dont think so
opp. sex
notice first? eyes hair or body
have a BF/GF? no
wat u into?? guyss
any specific kind of guy/girl you into? yup ... i think
feelin anyone? not now
been rejected? no
ever rejected someone? yeah ... sorry lol
broken someones heart? i guess
ever been heart broken? yeah
if so how many times? idr
how many ppl of the opposite sex is in your buddy list on AIM right now? total or actually online? guys online is 34
been kissed recently?? what do u consider recently
from who? ill never tell
Best eye color: any color ... normal color blue green brown hazel but blue is cool
Best hair color: blondes or brown is perfect
Best height: taller then i am
# of...
Number of drugs taken illegally: zero
Number of people I could trust with my life: a couple
Number of CDs that I own: a lot
Number of piercings: four
Number of tattoos: zero
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: two times in the herald i think
Number of scars on my body: too many
Number of things in my past that I regret: a couple
Number of times you got drunk: zero
Shampoo: idc anything
Fav Color(s): orange and red not ed lmao amy
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: summer
Lace or Satin: umm dont know
Fave Cartoon Character: dont have
Fave Food: ill eat basically anyhting
Fave Movies: a lott
Fave sport: softball, water skiing, golfing even though i suck, fishing, soccer, football, hockey ... idk i like a lot more too
as of now
Drinking: sprite
Thinking about: the survey idk
Listening to: promise by matchbook romance
in the past 24 hours have you...
Cried: no
Worn jeans: no
Met someone new online: no but i talked to someone i knew that i havent talked to in like a million years ... richies sick
Done laundry: yah
Drove a car: nope but next week i will ... and i wont bring back leaves lmao kim
Talked on the phone: yes
stuff about life and friends
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no
Do you like anyone?: i dont think so
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: umm none
Who have you known the longest of your closest friends?: no clue
Are you close to any family member?: yah im the clostest with my cousin kim ... but i love my family ... fif cfl ily guys
Who do you hang around the most?: idk prob meg and toby and ali and recently amy
When have you cried the most: no clue i try and forget those days
What's the best feeling in the world?: sex jpjpjpjp umm knowing someone loves and appreciates you
Worst Feeling?: feeling like noboby loves/ wants you
other things...
ever fallen for a friend? uh maybe
ever dated someone out of your school? yes
whats your fav. music video?: umm prob promise by matchbook romance cause im obbessed w. the song
you know anyone that is feeling you right now?? yahhhh hehe
random things...
i love to____with people? hang out and have a good time
what are the last 4 digits of yur phone #? what number ... cell is 6579 and house 8598
what was the last thing you ate? ice cream
the last person u talked on the phone with? my mommy
favorite drink? a lot
the last movie that you saw? idr
hugs or kisses? kisses
what book are u readin? watership down ... some gay summer reading book
the loudest person you know: umm either kim or jen d
best friends: i dont have one ... but all my friends could be considered my best - my girls and guys love ya <3