amys houseeeeee

Dec 07, 2004 19:48

sunday was soo much funnn. i went ot amys and we were jumong around on her tramopline haha. then i trued a flip i cant land cuz i go out not in? if that makes any sense but yah ok so then her and her sister tried to teach me but lets --FACE--
im not good at flipss lolol. i went to try another flip after amys little exercise of up-tuck-open lolol. yah so i tried to flip and i stopped mid way and almost landed on my face whoo hoo! lol. then we played some bball and thne tried juggling it afetr i kept heading it off my head ((mad soccer skilss)) lol... but i tried jugling it off my leg while incorparating a dance move and i smacked the ball in my face lmao lol. yah so my nose is slightly swollen but its bruised it hurts to touch lol. so then we went ont he comp ... amy tried to teach me to pay the piano ... had werid convos on the comp with sound recorder lolol and yah soo much fun. then we had din din, jumped ont he tramp again at night and tried to knock eachotjer down cuz we are loserrs =).. on and we also looked at some pics forkm halloween and the beach and marios and cvs hahaah that was funny
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