Feb 05, 2004 01:12
Parents are retarded.
It's late, i should go to sleep.
I want Nate to come back. It's so cold in this house.
I hope that i don't fuck everything up.
It just dawned on me that Nate might possibly actually love me.
It's so hard to understand. I taught myself a long time ago that nobody could love me. I was just un-lovable. Not unfuckable, mind you.
I hope that i don't fuck everything up.
I don't know why im writing this entry.
I'm getting a new Livejournal.
If you want to know what it is, leave a comment.
It's going to be friends only.
(Nate, you need to get an LJ to be able to read it, you don't have to update it, just sign up for one and leave a comment)
so, for now. This is the end of that.
He said "Island view"
I said "I love you too"