Tension at work

May 02, 2006 05:21

So it has been about a month since I started working at the bathhouse. I'm not going to sugar coat it anymore. I mean the place is by far the nicest, cleanest looking bathhouses that I know of. But that's beside the point of what I am getting at. So since I've started my other co-worker, I'll call him L.A. for obvious personal reasons. Well he and my supervisor haven't been getting along. I didn't know exactly why at first, maybe L.A.'s personality was a bit much.

Just a quick glimpse into what kinda guy L.A. is. You see he moved back to Portland from LA, hence the nickname. He is very talkative, lively, not effeminate, but i guess one could say a bit flamboyant. Well my supervisor is the complete opposite. I could analyze this situation much more and drag it on and on and on but it really isn't worth my time.

Basically these two have not been getting along. For the past I wanna say 2-3 weeks they have managed to stay out of each others way and when necessary be civil towards each other especially when engaged in conversation or lack thereof. Well this past saturday was pure madness....at work that is.

The club was busy...nonstop man madness. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a gay memo sent via manhunt,M4M,Gay.com,Craigslist, or LJ even. It sure was a change from the traffic earlier in the week and weeks prior even! The chances that I managed to get away from the desk were basically to take back towels to the washer or bring some back up to the desk from the dryer. In between that distance it took a little while longer than usual because of all the foot traffic/man blockage.

Well with that in mind leads to the point of my story. Around the end of LA's shift before he did his usual of cleaning the steam room and showers before he would be off. I was in the back checking laundry since he and my supervisor had the front all taken care of as far as checking in & out the bois. It was during this brief time that 2 couples were checking in and there was only 1 room available to accomadate 2 guests. The other option would have been to split one of the couples and have them opt for a room and a locker.

Well....I guess LA & my supervisor both went for the keys to the 1 room at the same time, my supervisor got to them first and I guess told LA to just clean the other room so that the other couple could occupy it. I wasn't there so I don't know the details. Oh and on a side note I don't want to forget to mention that my supervisor has put in his 2 weeks notice. So with that in mind I wondered if he just hasn't cared, if he's out for himself, or if he has been trying to push LA's buttons' on purpose.

LA was pissed that he was made a fool in front of a number of guys checking in and waiting to be checked out. So he stormed off to the breakroom where I was, exchanging the loads of laundry.

The next day my assistant manager wanted to talk to me and discuss the dilemna he was dealing with. Which I already was aware of unknown to him. So we briefly discussed the situation and I basically told him that I am here to help them out however I can and I thanked him for the opportunity. I couldn't wait to tell LA about the promotion and Supervisors two week notice, but I promised that I would keep that between he and I, which I did. LA heard the news from another resource and was relieved.

So that is that, I am officially "THE GRAVEYARD SUPERVISOR" instead of I guess the alternate or whatever I was hired on as before. I'm still unclear if that means another raise as well, that was the one and only question I forgot to ask....grrrrr! Oh well, guess we'll see.

work, drama, bathhouse, promotion

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