Oct 03, 2006 22:09
I'm sure some of you have thought I've died, and I'm sure others have hoped so, but hey, I'm still here, and despite everyone's best efforts, I'm going to be here for a long time to come, so you're all going to have to suffer a little while longer.
My 21st birthday is 3 months away, and while I could do what everyone else does, and go to a bar with their buddies and get wasted...I've got to go one up on everyone. I'll be in Amsterdam....in the middle of a 3 week backpacking journey all over Europe. Starting in Munich, Germany, to snowboarding in the Swiss Alps, to Christmas Eve in the Vatican City, listening to Mass given by the Pope himself. Over to Prague for New Years Eve, might as well see Auschwitz while I'm right there too. Over to Berlin, then to Amsterdam for the big 21 (I am dutch, I should visit my heritige). Then a few days in Paris, and finally a few days in England. And since I'm beginning and ending the trip from Charlotte...I'll be more than happy to drink with any of you.
Oh, and I have a new cell number if anyone wants it. 405-919-1474 It turns out that cell phones and steering wheels don't make good lovers...especially when one beats the other to a bloody pulp of plastic and wire mass.
Like always...