New Fic!

Aug 04, 2008 17:39

My Fantasy Fest fic is up at Lupin Snape!

Title: "I Said, Detention, Mr. Weasley."
Author: smoke
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Lupin/Snape/Charlie
Challenge: Fantasy Fest 2008
Short Fic Prompt 16: PWP: Both S & L discover the other has raunchy fantasies about Charlie. Est.relshp or no. End in 3some. PoA or OotP bonus! 18+!
Word Count: ~7,000
Summary: See prompt.
Disclaimer: The usual.
Warnings/Kinks: Almost crack, biting, blood, caning, dirty talk, felching, harsh sex, detention fantasy, (somewhat) innocent Charlie, predatory Snape, and a little leather
Notes: Set GoF year. This fic tried very hard to be crack. I fought it, but am not sure I won. Many thanks to shipchan and persevero for lightning fast beta work and Brit-picking. All remaining errors are mine.

This way to the pr0n.

lupin_snape, lupin, fic, fantasyfest08, charlie, snape

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