Yes, this was written for one of my prompts, but even so, I still couldn't recommend it highly enough. It was written for the Snupin Santa Fest at
But the Loom of Life Never StopsFrom: Donna Immaculata
Summary: After the death of Dumbledore, Remus tracks down Severus in hiding.
Rating: Coal and Switches (NC17)
Genre: Drama/Angst, Hurt/Comfort
HP Era: 1991-1998: Hogwarts Era
Word count: 8718
Author Notes: Title lifted from Henry Ward Beecher's Life Thoughts: "We sleep, but the loom of life never stops; and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up tomorrow."
Prompt: Story #12 (partial) - After the death of Dumbledore, R searches for S and for answers, from Islandsmoke.
This is a "missing scene" fic, and is one of the most beautifully, perfectly written stories I have read in a long time. The imagery is stunning, the emotions raw and powerful, the characterizations perfect, the dialog sharp, and the sex blistering. There were times while reading that I had to remind myself to breathe.
A sample: Remus has tracked Severus down, and entered the abandoned house where he is hidden.
Severus was sitting in a tall armchair by the fireplace, his head tilted back, his arms aligned along the armrests, his eyes black windows to hell. His wand rested on the coffee table in front of him, pointing straight at the door. The top buttons of his waistcoat were undone and his shirt fell open at his throat. Behind him, his black cloak had been slung over the side of the mantelpiece, and the blank Death Eater mask peeped out from beneath the heavy folds. Severus held a cigarette between the index and the middle finger of his left hand and exhaled a trail of smoke. He was quite still, like a viper.
Remus took a few steps into the room and stopped. “Severus,” he said lightly, “how good of you to let me in. I see it didn’t take you long to make yourself at home.”
Something primal inside him screamed for blood, and he quenched it.
“How quick,” Severus said, “how quick do you think you would have to be with your wand and a curse?” Their gazes remained locked, neither flickered to Severus’ wand on the coffee table.
“Very quick, I should imagine,” said Remus. “But then, I am.”
Go read, and leave love.