hogwartshoney emailed me the link to this article this morning.
10 Reasons the Rest of the World Thinks the U.S. Is Nuts. I have been, as I'm sure most of you have been as well, aware of the increasing insanity of the conservative right for some time.
Since these rich, middle-aged, white men can't keep the gays in the closet any longer, and it seems they have to oppress someone in order to prove their worth to themselves, they are coming after the women. Again. It's not getting better! We need to speak up here!
This week the Georgia State legislature debated a bill in the House, that would make it necessary for a woman to carry a stillborn baby until she 'naturally' goes into labor just as, according to Representative Terry England, pregnant cows and pigs do.
Beyond charming.
According to
this article:
There is a bill making its way through the Arizona state legislature that would require women to prove to their boss that they need birth control in order to treat a medical condition if they wanted their prescription to be covered by their insurer.
Please read both articles and their various links. If we remain silent, we are complicit. We have to fight back. Check to see what legislation is on the docket in your state, and speak up.