Fic Rec!

Aug 15, 2011 12:31

I'm going to join Lee here in rec'ing this fic:

Title: I am Silver and Exact
Summary: Seven years; seven times Severus Snape refused to show weakness. He never did learn.
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Characters: Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Draco Malfoy, plus a surprise or two.
Rating: PG-13. Spoilery for the entire series.
Word Count: ~4200
Thanks to:mithen for the beta, and for sharing the squee.

[It wasn't Albus but Minerva who met him at the gates, ramrod-straight and composed as ever, apart from the slightest tremor in her wand hand. Snape surprised himself by not calling her on it. Not that he expected her to return the favour. He had few illusions left about the Dark Lord's efficiency in expressing his ire; fewer about Minerva's restraint in meddling where she shouldn't. Bloody Gryffindor philanthropy. He swallowed and gripped the ironwork tighter.]

This is a beautifully written, insightful character study of Snape. The author takes an event from each of the books and delves into it a bit deeper, focusing on Snape and his relationships with different characters.

The author is new to the fandom, so please, encourage her to stay. After you read this, you'll just want more.

rec, fic, snape

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