A Life of Quiet BlissAuthor:
mabonwitchRating: R
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1911
Summary: After the War, Remus and Severus live happily, if snarkily, ever after.
This is a short, sweet - without being cloying - funny, warming little fic. AU in that Remus and Severus are alive and living a life of domestic (near) tranquility together. There are challenging gardens, goats with separation anxiety, Remus's well meaning mother, and the possible specter of The Chosen One and his chosen one (Draco) needing mentoring as they embark on their relationship. Running through it all is the gentle, solid love that Remus and Severus have for each other. For frosting on the cake, there is a deliciously hot love scene that is so much more than "just" sex. And did I mention the goats?
A perfect little pick-me-up of a story.
Note: The link goes to
lupin_snape which links to the story on the Snupin Santa archive. Anonymous comments aren't allowed on the archive, but you can leave love on the LJ post.