Between keeping up with 'No on 1' and battling my Snupin Santa fic, I haven't been on LJ much.
But, latest news on the campaign is that fund raising reports are out for the period of October 1-20.
Here's a few facts from 'No on 1':
-- $1,369,370 was raised in the reporting period, from October 1-20, giving a year-to-date (YTD) total of $4,060,053.
-- 8,930 donors pitched in during this last period, bringing the total number of donors to NO on 1 to 20,372.
-- Of that donor base, 7,840 were Mainers, with 2082 Maine residents contributing in the last 20 days.
-- Over $500,000 of the total $1.3M raised during this period came from Maine donors.
-- 16 individual donors, including one organization, gave $10,000 or more during this reporting period, fueling $617,000 of the total raised. Of that total, $352,000 or 57% came from donors who live in Maine.
-- In the last 20 days, the average online donation was $58. The off-line or direct donation average through fund raising events and individual donations was $150.
-- Nearly $142,000 of in-kind donations were made by 49 individuals and organizations supporting marriage equality.
It was also noted that the Question 1 campaign filing was fueled almost entirely by three huge donations by the New Jersey based National Organization for Marriage (NOM). In fact, $1.1M of the $1.4M raised in this period came from NOM. And while the Question 1 campaign reported 310 contributors, the NO on 1 campaign had over 4722 contributors this period.
*Data from
Pam's House Blend.
We have the money, we have the support, can we get the votes? Huge thanks to everyone who has helped with this, but don't forget, it ain't over until the Drag Queen sings.
Oh, yes. On a side note, NOM, the main contributor to the 'Yes' side, has refused to comply with the investigation into their practices by the Maine Election Ethics Committee (or whatever their name is). They refuse to reveal their donor list, and are thus in violation of the law. So what do they do? They
sue, claiming the law is unconstitutional. They come here with their millions of dollars, to take away the rights of our citizens, and they say don't have to follow our laws? It boggles the mind.